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The Silent Revolution

Apr 23, 2024

Why Skeptics Are Missing the AI Transformation in Salesforce

While everyone's drawing parallels between AI and the Wright Brothers' first flight, I'd argue we're actually at a different point in the aviation timeline – closer to 1914, when commercial aviation was silently transforming transportation while skeptics still dismissed it as a fad.

The Real AI Revolution Is Already Here:

Just as early commercial flights were happening while people debated if planes would ever be practical, Einstein AI is already transforming businesses while skeptics debate its relevance:

- Prediction Builder is quietly automating decision-making processes

- Einstein Discovery is revolutionizing data analysis

- Voice capabilities are changing how users interact with Salesforce

Where We Really Are in the AI Timeline:

The "first flight" moment for AI happened years ago. We're now in the commercialization phase, where the real opportunities lie. Smart professionals are:

- Implementing practical AI solutions for immediate business needs

- Building scalable frameworks for AI integration

- Creating new roles that blend traditional Salesforce skills with AI expertise

The Hidden Opportunities:

The biggest opportunities aren't in cutting-edge features but in:

- Optimizing existing AI implementations

- Creating integration frameworks

- Developing governance structures

- Building user adoption strategies

Stop waiting for the "AI revolution" – it's already here, and the real opportunities are in the practical implementation work happening right now.

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